The Room 17 bunch.

The Room 17 bunch.
Check us out!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Term 3 Events

Welcome back to Term 3. By now you will have received letters explaining our winter programme of 3 weeks skating and 1 week at the Snow Farm, trying cross country skiing. We will be following the Olympic Games and studying China too.
Our 3 Way Conferences are in week 3 where we will reflect on Term 2 goals and your child will set new goals for Term3-4.
Some science sites to visit for science experiments are
Both these sites were useful with our experiments at the end of last term .

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Middle School Show

Last week was Book Week and our class looked terrific all dressed up for Book Parade.
Here are some photos of us.

Our Middle School Show was a great success. Thank you for all the help and support that you all gave your children.
Here are some photos that I took but if anyone has better ones could they let me know and I could post these on our class page too.